Wigman's Technique & Other Influences
Die Brücke and Der Blaue Reiter
Question 1
Based on this video, what is expressionism?
Arnold Schönberg
Question 2
After watching Bernstein's presentation on Schönberg's music, what aspect of Schonberg's music could have influenced Wigman's ideas about dance?
Check the link and scroll down to page 110.
Question 3
After reading the article on "Schools of Bodily Expressivity: Mary Wigman," what was the main difference between Laban and Wigman in terms of dance?
| LINK |
Question 4
Based on the article published by Contemporary Art Org., what was Wigman searching for in dance?
Wigman’s Technique
Her technique is structured in five main groups:
1 - Striding and sliding
2 - Springs, vibrations and bouncing
3 - Momentums and oscillations
4 - Falling and dropping (floor technique)
5 - Tensions: relaxed, sustained and motor tensions
Create a phrase in which you apply each one of the movements described above.
Record and post your phrase on Discussion Board.
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