Laban's Cube, 4 Components and 8 Efforts



 Apace and Relationship

 The kinesphere is also the container of a cube (containing all diagonal directions and dimensions) and of an icosahedron made by three bi-dimensional planes: it contains angular geometry inside a round geometry.

 Question 1

Explain in your own words the meaning of the kinesphere within the Laban's cube?




Laban’s Four Components of Human Movement with their Respective Elements:
•Direction – direct/indirect
•Weight – heavy/light
•Speed – quick/sustained
•Flow – bound / free

Activity 1
 Create an 8 movements phrase in which each move has:
  1.  One direction (direct)
  2.  One direction ( indirect)
  3.  One weight (light)
  4.  One weight (heavy)
  5.  One speed (quick) 
  6.  One speed (sustained) 
  7.  One flow (bound)
  8.  One flow (free). 


Laban’s Eight Effort Actions:   

The Eight Effort Actions help clients both physically and emotionally to embody and understand internal impulse while developing an expressive body.

Activity 2

Add to your previous movement phrase the efforts listed above (one effort per movement). Add music to your phrase. Record it and post it on Discussion Board.

Question 2

Mention an ordinary (everyday life) movement that matches each one of the 8 efforts listed below:


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