Alterantive Final Assignment / Publication

1 Cleveland Reed Dr. Morejon DAN 211 (R) 20 April 2021 Expression of Inner Feelings: interpretations, Experiences and Creativity Modern dance is a theatrical dance that was developed in the United States and Europe late in the 19th century. It started as a protest against both the traditional ballet and the interpretive dance of the time. Modern dance is a dance style that focuses on a dancer's own interpretations instead of structured steps, unlike the usual traditional ballet dancing. Modern dancers reject the limitations of classical ballet and favor movements derived from the expression of their inner feelings. Listed below are names of many people who impacted what we know as modern dance today. Rudolf Laban was a dancer, a choreographer and a dance movement theoretician. Laban established choreology, which is the system of dance movement. Laban also raised the status of dance as a true form of art. His explorations into the theory ...