
Showing posts from January, 2021

Introductions: Levels and Directions

I. Go to Discussion Board and introduce yourself by telling us your name, major and expectations about this course, II. TODAY'S MOVEMENT CONCEPTS: Levels & Directions  Today we covered levels and directions in movement/dance.  Qualities of Levels and Directions Levels bring our bodies closer or further from gravity. Directions allow our bodies to move multi-dimensionally across the space.   Questions 1. Mention of one instance in which you use directions when moving on a daily basis. 2. Mention of one instance in which you use levels when moving on a daily basis. 3, Mention once instance in which you combine the two elements when moving on a daily basis.  POST YOUR ANSWERS ON DISCUSSION BOARD    

Modern Dance Foundations: Laban's Choreutics

     Rudolf von Laban , also known as Rudolf Laban, was an Austro-Hungarian dance artist and theorist. He is considered as one of the pioneers of modern dance in Europe and as the "Founding Father of the Expressionist Dance" in Germany.   Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) was was a dancer, a choreographer and a dance / movement theoretician. Being one of the founders of European Modern Dance, his work was extended through his most celebrated collaborators, Mary Wigman, Kurt Jooss and Sigurd Leeder.   Laban was a visionary, humanist, teacher and theoretician, whose revolutionary ideas bridged the gap between the performing arts and science. Laban's Choreutics Laban links his modern studies of movement to Pythagorean mathematics, notably musical scales and the “harmonic relations” of geometrical forms such as the right triangle and circle. Laban appears to have coined the term Choreutics from two Greek root words: “khoreia” ( dancing i...